Refund, Reprint, and Copyright Policy

We have a 14 day refund & reprint policy!

Contact us within 14 days of receiving your order to submit a request for a refund or reprint. We will reprint any order where there is a print quality or adherence issue. Does not apply to poor quality files, overlapping files (gang sheets), or wrong sizes ordered. 

For orders including DTF Transfers or UV DTF Stickers, please ensure you followed the design requirements correctly- 300 dpi, high resolution png. If building a gang sheet, please watch for warnings. This means your file is low resolution and may print blurry.

Also be sure to check that all details within your shipping address are correct before placing an order. An order confirmation email will be sent after placing an order to confirm all order details.

Shirts that have already been pressed cannot be returned or exchanged. Vinyl that has already been cut on, or is creased, wrinkled or damaged cannot be exchanged.

Custom Order Refunds
We do not offer returns or exchanges on custom orders as these are done as ordered and to a customers specific preferences. Please look at your proof carefully. Please contact management if you feel your order was incorrect after your approval.

Copyright Policy
By submitting a file, you are assuming all responsibility for appropriate copyrights and licensing. By agreeing to terms, you are indicating you have obtained all proper permissions to have the file printed.